Special Preview of Out of this World!

We are especially excited about the program you will hear at these spring concerts. In this preview video, you will hear excerpts from three of the works on the program.

Escape Velocity is a fantastic piece by Jason W. Krug that takes you on a complete journey of a space shuttle launch — from dawn, to liftoff, to orbit and back. It is incredibly rhythmic and propulsive (of course)! You’ll hear a piece of the “Liftoff” section in this video, up until “Main Engine Cutoff.”

Gustav Holst’s The Planets is one of the great works of classical music, and Three Rivers Ringers is pleased to play the most well-known movement: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity. In this clip you’ll hear part of the noble theme from the middle section that became the hymn tune Thaxted.

Finally, Prelude on Herzliebster Jesu is a powerful classic of the handbell repertoire, in which the great Fred Gramann has woven three tunes from the Lenten season into a dramatic whole.

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