Please help support Three Rivers Ringers on Wednesday, October 3rd by participating in the annual Pittsburgh Day of Giving! All donations made during those 24 hours at will be matched on a prorated basis from a match pool of $750,000. This is your chance to maximize every dollar to help us advance the art of handbell ringing.

Participating in the Pittsburgh Day of Giving is quick and easy – just follow these steps on October 3rd:
1. Go to
2. Click on Donate Now.
3. Enter your name, email and phone number in the appropriate boxes.
4. Select Pittsburgh to narrow your search of nonprofits, and then select Three Rivers Ringers.
5. Enter the amount you would like to give ($25 minimum gift).
6. Click on “Go To Checkout,” and fill out the credit card checkout screen on the secure server (only MasterCard & Visa cards will be accepted).
7. Click Submit.

If you have any questions or problems on October 3rd, please email us at To view our profile for the Day of Giving, go to

To support us on any other day of the year, visit our Support Us page. Thanks to all of you for making our music possible!


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