Pittsburgh Day of Giving

Three Rivers Ringers asks for your support on Tuesday, October 4th through the Pittsburgh Day of Giving!  As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Three Rivers Ringers will receive a prorated portion of matching funds for all gifts made through www.pittsburghgives.org on October 4th.  By giving to TRR on October 4th, you maximize your support of Pittsburgh’s premier handbell ensemble and our mission of developing the art of handbell ringing through concerts and educational programming.
Participating in the Pittsburgh Day of Giving is quick and easy-just follow the following steps on October 4th:
2. Click on Donate Now
3. Enter your name, email and phone number in the appropriate boxes.
4. Select Pittsburgh to narrow your search of nonprofits, and then select Three Rivers Ringers.
5. Enter the amount you would like to give ($25 minimum gift)
6. Click on checkout, and fillout the credit card checkout screen (only Mastercard & Visa cards will be accepted)
7. Click Submit
You will receive a confirmation email for your gift from Pittsburgh Gives, and will receive a written acknowledgment from Three Rivers Ringers once we receive the list of donors from the Day of Giving. All gifts must be made on October 4th to be eligible for the Day of Giving, so please mark your calendar to support Three Rivers Ringers!For more information on Three Rivers Ringers, please visit our Pittsburgh Gives profile (http://pittsburghgives.org/2011/08/26/three-rivers-ringers/).  If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (info@threeriversringers.org412-508-8405).  Thank you in advance for your support of Three Rivers Ringers!

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